HH reborn sugestions 4/5: quality of life

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Joined:Sat Jul 02, 2022 9:59 pm
HH reborn sugestions 4/5: quality of life

Post by MaxBlue01 » Sat Sep 16, 2023 7:51 am

Since HH's forums are glitched for months, i guess i will invade Eliatopia's forum again for this. Here i propose various suggestions that improve existing mechanics of the game, which can decently help players.

TL DR (because reading skill issue):
1) sorting items in shops by class
2) selling excess weapon when some are seathed
3) few more base extra inventory slots (without paying absurd amount of real money)
4) dropping full stacks of items instead of one by one
5) changing respawn point for certain areas like beach and haunted woods
6) game camera more centered on the character
7) prevent trade offers spam. add ignore trades option
8) add some kind of mid air jump when falling / using spring
9) online friends's general location
10) loot not hidden by decorations
11) no more floating loot in water
12) (edited 20 september) higher sell value for very early drops

What is next is the details of each idea. I do NOT force anyone to read everything at once (there is a bit to cover). It's fine to take some break, and check again later to read the rest. Anyway, here are my suggestions for HH reborn:

1) add a way to sort all the shop's items by class. Right now, it's a bit annoying to find what gear is for archer (or any other class)

2) if you have 2 seathed sticks (for exemple), and more "useless" sticks in your inventory, allow players to sell all the sticks EXCEPT the equipped ones. Maybe make the equipped sticks a different temporarly item slot than other sticks while in shops?)

3) inventory should have around 5 more base space (no, 25$ is way too overpriced. in fact, this is just a lame attempt of asking players for more money). Between the tons of apples, bananas, 1 weapon, 4 armor gear, and the few great loot you want to save for good trades, that leaves too few room for extra loot from defeated enemies.

4) allow players to drop ALL the specific items at once (ex: being able to drop 10 green shirts at once). This is especially important if a player find a good loot, but don't have enough space. Let's not force the player to drop 10 loot slowly, while hoping no one steal his loot. And no, i don't believe the 10 sec anti loot stealing skill will be enough for that.

5) if you die at the beach OR the haunted area, you should respawn at the blue mushroom village instead. (closer than the training grounds). Maybe also if you die at the swamp area (with the plant monster) or the great frog forest area (which currently make you stuck in the great frog area)

6) have a centered camera (with your character closer to the center, so players can see a bit more ahead of them.). This is especially usefull for cowboys and archers who want to do long shots without forcing them to scroll the screen first.

7) prevent players from "trade offer spam" which can open 10+ trade confirmations. Maybe have a timer before they can ask to trade the same player again. Maybe also add an option to deny any trades

8) add a "soft" mid air jump, so that players can jump if they FALL from a platform (either from the ledge, or by pressing down) (like in original helmet heroes). This will help players recovering from accidental falls / non working slopes on thin platforms.

9) players in friend list that are online should show their general location (ex: "west of mushroom village" if they are at the left of the village)

10) make any loot appear in front of any decoration (like rocks, fences, bushes, ...), to prevent hidden loot being skipped while grinding

11) avoid loot floating when in a water area. Some water area are very annoying to grab floating loot (ex: fairyville's pool immediately left to the houses). Make all the loot stay on the floor. This is also important while thinking about a future ocean zone, which might be mostly submerged.

12) increase the sale value of very early drops (sticks, slingshots, magic wand, lvl 1 cloth gear). Having a sale value of 1 is very annoying for new players, who will struggle to afford better low level gear. It also make collecting this loot more worth early game, instead of being "just worthless trash".

Joined:Sat Jul 02, 2022 9:59 pm

Re: HH reborn sugestions 4/5: quality of life

Post by MaxBlue01 » Wed Sep 20, 2023 5:48 pm

As a reminder: i am NOT forcing everyone to "agree" with me on every suggestions. If you have a question, an improvement, or you see a problem with one of my suggestions, feel free to add to the discussion (i added numbers to my suggestions for a reason). However, if you do have a problem with a sugestion / or if you strongly disagree, i expect you to give me a good explanation. Saying "this sugestion is bad" doesn't help anyone.

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