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Sharpening/Hardening Pricing Change

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 3:59 am
by Flashlight237
Okay, so as the guy who came up with the price formula for sharpening/hardening, I think it's high time I changed that nonsense. I managed to come up with a more savings-oriented pricing formula for sharpening/hardening stuff. It goes like this...

(New Power+1)³*h*(25/r)*.2

h=handedness; 1 for one-handed weapons, 0.7 for two-handed weapons
r=rate of fire; based on a gun's rate of fire in frames per shot (ex. 7 for Pellet Spitters)

Using the math here, I determined the savings to be around nearly 20%. I'll assume a base power of 250 and the weapon is one-handed.:

Current Pricing (bearing in mind that sharpening/hardening stones just math-floor power values): 402³-251³=49151557
New Pricing:




Yep. What you're seeing here is a 18.7% discount on sharpening a 250-power weapon all the way to Stage 5.

Now the downside here is that it may make sharpening some early weapons and armors (particularly stuff in the power range of 15-19) more expensive to sharpen and harden for the very first stages, but the discounts for those will come as early as Stage 2 and Stage 3 (assuming Stage 5 is the last stage). That's not to mention that those worries will be staved off once you get to stuff like the Ferreter Bow and such. Yep.

Armors are kinda iffy to me. Personally, I think hardening's pricing should work more like this:

(New Defense+1)³*.15

Assuming a base defense of 250, let's see...

Current Pricing (bearing in mind that sharpening/hardening stones just math-floor power values): 402³-251³=49151557
New Pricing:




Okay, so that's nearly a 40% discount. Good; I think it'll work out since armor defense and power boosts aren't really that good compared to weapon power boosts, which in turn makes armors feel more expensive. Really should've allowed Hardening Stones to provide power boosts in armors as well, bro.

But yeah, there's that.