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4th winner for weaponds concept poll: The Mechanic

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 12:29 am
by Whip_God
- their weapons are power drills that can be single or dual-wielded.
- placing down a turret requires you to build it first but you can cancel by clicking the ability again.
- Their drills are very short-ranged and low dmg but have a lot of attack speed.
- they have no way to defend themselves if they're alone.
- All turrets lose their health by 10% every 5 sec
- when placing a turret you only place the materials on the ground, using your basic attack you build them every 10% of their health every 1 sec no matter what weapons you're using. dual wielding does make it go 2x faster
Healing Turret: this heals you and the allies within (does not heal other turrets). upgrading this gives more radius and healing per tick. this ability cost 10-25mp(4 upgrades) and can only place 1.
passives for Healing Turret:
- electric healing: this now allows you to heal other turrets(except for itself) 5-20% of their total health every 5 sec. adds 2-10mp
- deadly voltage(requires electric healing): enemies standing on the Healing turret's healing radius will be electrified 50-200% of your maximum dmg as electrical dmg every 5 sec. adds 3-15mp
Pellet turret: a long-range turret that shoots pellets 300spm-450spm(50spm per upgrade(4 total upgrades)) this also has your weapons runes built in it. if dual-wielding and the rune stats are mixed or one has better runes than the other then only the best runes will go in the turret. this does turn to follow your enemies pretty slowly and can miss. can only place down one. cost 20-50mp.
Pellet turret's passives:
- more oil: Turn speed on the turrets is increased by 25-100%. adds 5-20mp
- overheat: when turret reaches 25%-50% of it's health it will fire 2x faster. no mana required
- easier build: one upgrade only. allows you to build another pellet tower
Dome Sheild: creates a large dome that reflects any projectiles(even from allies) coming from outside. This device immediately activates when placed. only projectiles from the insides can pass this barrier. This is not a turret but a device that's timed to wear off at a specific time. This device cannot be destroyed by enemies but it cannot be canceled as well. You would have to wait for this device to wear off to use again. This device lasts 5-10 sec and costs 5-25 mana. Increases the radius of every upgrade. no passives.
- master builder: Now builds turrets every .9-.5 sec.
- repair man: now allows you to repair your turrets every 1-5% of their maximum health every .5 sec. Dual-wielding does double this.
- Bigger screwdrivers: placing a bigger screwdriver in your power drill gives you more reach allowing you to hit enemies and repair turrets from a distance.

Re: 4th winner for weaponds concept poll: The Mechanic

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 12:29 am
by Whip_God