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New Class Suggestion(Long and Boring)

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2023 4:43 am
by laoba
Hi guys, I would like to suggest something about new classes, this will be long and boring, and I made it just for fun, so it might not be balanced.
After you get full skills of a class, you can unlock a reassort of classes by 180 emeralds. Like for warriors, it would be a boxer(suggestion).
Boxer (required 180 emeralds and full warrior skills, change back to warrior will cost 39 emeralds):
Boxer attack form will be punch, and every single punch will cost 1 mp. You will punch at an enemy and move forward 2 feet. Boxer's attack range is super short, 3 feet. It is a weird class, its dmg will be based on its hp. Boxer's punch will also be similar to gunman, like when you keep pressing the mouse pointer, it will keep punching until you leave the mouse pointer along.
Boxer's normal attack will be decreased by 20% for some reason, like to balance this class.
Extra skills (All the amount of skills is the max point of it):
Tank (3 points):
HP increased by 15%, attack speed increased by 10%.
Madness Tank(5 points):
HP increased by 15%, but defense decreased by 30%.
Fitness (3 points):
Attack speed increased by 30%, but regren WON'T WORK.
Super fitness (5 points):
While using main skills, HP increased by 5%, attack speed increased by 20%.
Dodge (3 points):
Boxer has a chance of 12% that avoids 80% of the last damage he got.
Sounds really bad doesn't it? Why should people waste 180 emeralds for this useless class? Hold on, let's take a look at its main skills.
Main skills (All amount of skills is the max point of it):
B- Slash and smash(3 points):
Lose 5% of HP and 10% of MP. Jump and slash 100% of the distance to the closest enemy, and smash on the ground then deal 80% damage. (In PvP this will knockdown players.)
N-Rage (3 points):
During rage time, your damage will increase by (50% of HP)%, sounds complicated right? For example, if your HP is 1000, it will increase (50% x 1000)% which is increasing 500% damage. But every single punch you made will lose 5% of your HP.
Insane rage (5 points):
Attack range increased by 200%, attack speed increased by 30%.
Healing (3 points):
If your punch hits AN enemy, you will heal 3% of your HP, maximum of healing is 9%, at the end of the rage, your HP and MP will back to maximum, but defense will be decreased by 30% in 5 seconds.
M-Reflection (1 point):
When you press M, you won't get any damage, but after it, you will get 120% of all the damage you got while pressing M, and reflect 80% of the total damage you got while pressing M to all the enemies that attacked you. After that, you won't be able to do anything in the same seconds that you pressed M.
Powerful skin (5 points):
The damage you reflect will be increased by 80%, while pressing M, your defense will be increased by 100%. If no one attacked you while you were pressing M, you still will deal (20% x HP)% of damage to the closest 3 enemies around you.

That's all.

Re: New Class Suggestion(Long and Boring)

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2023 1:00 am
by Wizardthing
making it cost emes is a bad idea, what if you're a f2p player? you shouldnt have to spend money for a new class