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All cause of helmet heroes reborn.

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2024 2:43 pm
by Katwastaken
That game. Is what robby make left us. Now the game slowly bleeding itself to death because of hackers, bugger, scammers and toxic players. Now im done supporting elia cause you aint nothing helping me/us robby. now my acc is rotted. The hacker still hacks acc the scammers still scams acc the bugger still messing around the koth cause of that game.

Theres two things i want if you wanna keeping us playing this game.

First is literally update the game. Step away from hhr for just one week. And start working on Eliatopia. Easy right? You promise us last year that you gonna update eliatopia on August, And it didn't happened cause you only do bug fixes and a balance changes. Which a lot of players disappointed for it. Now the avg players is less than 40-50 rather than over 100+ a year ago. Just a teeny tiny content is enough like sets and new areas that we needed. tired of you waiting robby.

Another optional thing that you need to fix is you need to bring back moderation in eliatopia fr. Literally almost half of Eliatopia players are quit from scamming. There's nothing can do if they got scammed. Moderation is the way to literally end a bunch of bad things in elia. If you can do that. It will be great.

I know you been busy hhr but please the game is live on the edge right now. Pls do something robby about Eliatopia :( i cant play this game anymore but i cant leave cause its my game same as helmet heroes. I cant lose my nostalgia from this madness pls rob do smth.

Re: All cause of helmet heroes reborn.

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2024 3:59 pm
by bread12
Hey I saw you acc online yesterday I was hoping it was you but it wasn't

Re: All cause of helmet heroes reborn.

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2024 10:40 pm
by cinos
Okay I actually want to address this discussion because it's a bit tedious to see history repeat itself. Let's just say yours truly had a similar mindset about eliatopia being the "reason the previous game is dead," as did many others.

One, scamming is not a bannable offense unless it's related to exploits, hacking the game, things that break TOS. Scamming in itself is not and will never result in a ban, if it's just swindling a player, or telling a naive person to go in the pit. It will only ever be considered bannable if it's destroying the trading economy, i.e. they are able to literally break something (like keep an item they are about to trade). This is for the best.

Second, the game is not just dead because it didn't get updated. OG Helmet Heroes had around 500+ players during the pandemic, and by that point it'd been 3 years without any updates. The player counts are also not significantly reduced, rather, during the game's supposed "hayday," the number of players was greatly exaggerated, inflated even. This is because most online players, out of the 150 or even 200, were actually just afking for global experience. The only thing that changed was that the feature got rightfully nerfed to the ground, and afk-ing is practically dead with the automatic disconnect (which frankly, shouldn't be a thing in this game, since killing afk players was fun, but oh well). It was a mistake ever adding it, but my point is that the player count is not that drastically different from when I was an active player. You just see the actual live player count, rather than muppets sleeping with their computer on.

Third, there is never going to be moderation in any helmet game, never again. Coke basically destroyed Helmet Heroes from the inside with those broken exp events and literally abusing his power to create fake super pets and selling them for money. Robby is not risking that happening again, therefore there will never be any game moderators. You should actually be very surprised to hear that this piece of shιτ has sycophants when he's no longer a mod.

My point is that there is a cycle to notice here. Every game robby makes is inevitably doomed for failure. Helmet Heroes died because of money, Eliatopia also died because of money but frankly in a way that was honestly worse since it negatively impacted my schedule, and Helmet Heroes Reborn is also, probably, going to die just as badly. You may as well get used to it and enjoy the next three years, which is literally always the timespan it takes before Robby adds some money sucking feature that kills it. For HH it was 2013-2016, for Eliatopia it was 2019-2022, and so you should expect Reborn to be exactly like this by 2026.

HH Reborn is just what Elia was to the oldheads like me before I realized it was literally just what I liked about HH in 3D. Welcome to the club kid. Make the best of your time and enjoy seeing everything you love crumble in a few years, because everyone is too busy thinking about how many more stats they can accumulate by paying up, rather than to all collectively agree a teased feature will ruin the game.

Re: All cause of helmet heroes reborn.

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 10:42 am
by TheWood
New sets will raise online a bit for a few months, but then it will drop again.
cinos explained a lot of things. I noticed that online in eliatopia dropped after global sharing was fixed. It dropped even more after afk kick was added.